Sword training is a matter of solo practice, paired practice, and forms. Paired practice allows us to learn and practice individual skills. As we train with both the bokken (wooden sword) and shinai (bamboo sword), our paired practice focuses on skills pertinent to each.
Stance Drills
- Ki Matching
- Five Element Theory
Bokken Skills
- Uke (receiving an attack)
- Uke Osae (receiving and suppressing)
- Hari (slap)
- Harai (sweep)
- Maki Osae (roll and suppress)
- Maki Otoshi (roll down)
- Maki Kaeshi (roll and reverse)
- Nuki Jodan (evade, pulling back)
- Nuki Chudan (evade, dropping down)
- Suri Age (sliding up – head strike)
- Suri Age (sliding up – wrist strike)
- Tsuki Nagashi (parrying a thrust)
- Tsuki Make-Kaeshi (roll and reverse from a thrust)
Shinai Skills
- Hajiki Age (blocking upward)
- Hajiki Kaeshi (block and reverse)
- Hajiki Nagashi (block and flow)
- Gasshi Uchi (simultaneous strikes)
- Uchi Otoshi and Suke Uchi (striking down and slicing the wrist)
- Ashikubi-Kiri Inside (ankle cut)
- Ashikubi-Kiri Outside (ankle cut)