Ranai is the last of the 12 traditional Seitei Jodo forms. It is learned and demonstrated as part of Staff III – Advanced Staff. It must be demonstrated with thirty-three snaps:
- Tsune-no-kamae
- One-handed presentation to the face
- Two hands together at the jo middle, blocking the swordsman from drawing
- Two hands blocking, right hand at the end, thumbs opposing
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, with knuckles out after pushing
- Left hand push to the face before turning
- Catching the hilt after turning
- Sword trap
- Poking the right hip area in response to do cut (thumbs forward)
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, with knuckles out after pushing
- Striking the head (blocking the sword)
- Jo near vertical before striking the sword
- Jo on the ground after striking the sword
- Jo in solar plexus in response to shomen-uchi (thumbs opposed)
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, palm out
- In contact with sword after striking
- Slide back once, twice in response to push
- Prepare to poke ribs after evading do cut
- Poke to left ribs
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, knuckles out
- Catching hilt for kurihanashi
- Extended after kurihanashi
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, palm out in response to wild cut
- Cross tips, honte-uchi-no-kamae
- Honte-uchi-no-kamae (left foot forward), after two slides and an attempted strike to the head as the swordsman retreats
- Both hands raised (feet together), jo pointing forward in response to the swordsman’s cut to hands
- Locking down the swordsman’s hands
- Dobarai-uchi block
- Jo raised vertically to strike the sword
- Jo on the ground after whiffing on striking the sword
- Jo near vertical on right side after swatting the sword
- Striking the solar plexus
- Covering the eyes after the swordsman’s withdrawal