Midaredome is the eleventh of the 12 traditional Seitei Jodo forms. It is learned and demonstrated as part of Staff III – Advanced Staff. It must be demonstrated with fourteen snaps:
- Hiding the jo
- Presenting the jo
- Crossing tips in gyakute-uchi-no-kamae
- Covering the eyes after striking away the sword
- Hikiotoshi on the right side, with knuckles out
- Striking the head (blocking the sword)
- Jo raised near vertical after switching grip and before striking the sword
- Jo on the ground after striking the sword
- Covering the eyes after makiotoshi and chase
- Squared up with jo horizontal
- Catching the sword hilt for taiatari
- Preparing for taiatari push
- Hikiotoshi on right side, palm out after left-footed taiatari push
- Covering the eyes after hikiotoshi