Zero and the Search for Effective Zen

As there are many paths up 'the mountain,' it may be worth taking some time to ask what makes one path more effective than others.

For over 50 years, the Zen master Joshu Sasaki taught here in the US. And he taught something he had condensed into one word - Zero. Sasaki could have taught Zen from just about any perspective. And yet, he settled on Zero. Why?

In this course, we will investigate this teaching of Zero - and how we can use it to evaluate the various Zen stories, depictions, paths, and claims that we encounter ... almost on a daily basis. Most importantly, we can use the teachings of Zero to come to an understanding of something we call Effective Zen.

Jim Redel · June 29, 2024

Welcome to the online course Zero and the Search for Effective Zen.

Imagine embarking on a journey without a map, a clear destination, or even the certainty of reaching anywhere. It sounds chaotic, doesn’t it? Yet, this is the essence of Zen—a collection of spiritual paths that are deeply personal and infinitely open to interpretation.

But here’s the paradox: while Zen resists fixed definitions or singular goals, one truth remains—some Zen paths are undeniably more effective than others. What makes one path stand out? That is, is it the clarity of its teachings, the discipline it fosters, or the transformation it inspires within?

In this course, we explore these questions through the lens of the late Zen Master Joshu Sasaki’s teachings. Altogether, over five decades of practice and teaching in the U.S., Sasaki developed a distinct approach to Zen—one that centered on the enigmatic yet profound concept of Zero. For Sasaki, Zero was more than just a philosophical idea. It was a living principle. It represents the infinite emptiness where all possibilities reside. Moreover, it is also the foundation for effective Zen practice.

The lessons are concise and thought-provoking. Zero and the Search for Effective Zen invites you to examine what makes a Zen journey truly effective. Additionally, each lesson will tackle a compelling question, share key insights, and leave you with reflections to deepen your understanding. Together, we’ll unpack Sasaki’s unique system and how his teachings can guide us toward greater clarity, discipline, and transformation.

If two paths both claim to lead to the ineffable, how do we choose which one to follow? This course is your opportunity to explore that question—and more—as we reconcile Zero and uncover what makes Zen truly effective.

Are you ready to begin the journey? Let’s find our way together, starting where all things begin: with Zero.

About Instructor

Jim Redel

Chasing Zen since 1974.

10 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 9 Sections
  • 23 Topics
  • 7 Quizzes