About Us

We are really about just one thing … rediscovering the ability to move freely at any time and in any place. And why is this important? Because life is uncertain.

But what is this notion of moving freely? More to the point, what is this notion of rediscovering the ability to move freely?

The implication is that the ability to move freely does not need to be developed – only rediscovered – because it already exists within all of us. The question is, why does it seem to abandon us when it is most needed?

So, a common metaphor here is that of the sun being blocked by clouds. And if we see the sun as the symbol of moving freely, we realize that we don’t have to spend any time with it – it’s always there, even when hidden. Our efforts, then, should be concentrated on just ‘dispersing the clouds.’

But still, perhaps there is something to be gained by first spending a bit of time on the notion of the sun – on the notion of moving freely – because how are we ever truly to recognize it? After all, a dark cloud replaced by a thin cloud may allow more light, but it is still blocking the sun.

To that end, let’s characterize the sun – moving freely – as such: When responding to uncertainty, we are moving freely when we respond –

  • In a timely fashion,
  • Appropriately, and
  • Naturally.

And we might say that a timely response is one effected without undue delay, that an appropriate response entirely meets the moment, and that a natural response perfectly reflects the individual.

So now that we understand the sun … how might we understand the clouds? If the sun is moving freely (timely, appropriate, and natural), we might think of the clouds as moving warily – something is holding us back. And giving this some thought, we might come up with three basic reasons for moving warily:

  • We are calculating (what to do),
  • We are rationalizing (why to do or not to do), or
  • We are captivated by the moment (caught up in simply observing).

And by ‘we are calculating,’ we refer to the fact that when faced with uncertainty, we may get caught up in trying to come up with the perfect response. The problem here is that in trying to calculate the perfect response, time has moved on and the response will be late and undoubtedly inappropriate.

By ‘we are rationalizing,’ we refer to the fact that we are trying to come up with all the reasons why we should or shouldn’t act. That is, it’s not a matter of what to do, but why to do anything? And, like calculating, by the time deliberations are complete, the moment has been lost.

Finally, by ‘we are captivated by the moment,’ we refer to the fact that we become caught up in simply viewing the unfolding events and, so, are late – or even unable – to act.

And so we train … not to develop the ability to move freely but to recognize the three hindrances to moving freely. That’s it. That’s what we’re about.